Clifford Monks
Towards 2.2 | Towards 2.4

Towards 2.3
Spring 1983

Self-Consciousness, the departure point;
Community, the destination,
And on the way the going to,
And through,

Reflections on a Digital Watch
Andrew Welburn 5
The Sick Machine
Terry Hipolito 8
Evolution of Consciousness of Self and World in Ancient Greece
Michael Winship 10
Creativity and Bartholomew Fair
David McCracken 14
The Barfield/Bohm Conversations
G. B. Tennyson 17
Landscape/Mindscape: Meditative Styles in Three Recent Films
William Clark Johnson 19
Phrontisterion: Imagination and Display
G. B. Tennyson 24
East, West, and Saul Bellow (Review of The Dean's December, by Saul Bellow)
Owen Barfield 26
The Mirror and Focus of Change (Review of Charles Darwin and the Problem of Creation, by Neal C. Gillespie)
Brian Stockwell 29
Freedom and Education (review of Compelling Belief, by Stephen Arons)
John Gardner 31